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Population assemblages of seaweeds and gastropods in the East and West of Portelet Bay No-Take Zone


A total of fifty-two species were recorded from Portelet Bay in the study conducted from June to August 2022. The species richness of seaweeds is more in East Portelet. The species richness of gastropods is more in West Portelet. The Shannon diversity index,1-Simpson concentration index, Species richness and Pielou’s evenness index are calculated for seaweeds and gastropods in the East and West of Portelet Bay. In June, all except the 1- Simpson concentration index is higher in the East for seaweeds. The 1- Simpson concentration index for seaweeds is 0.42107 in West Portelet and 0.41338 in East. In July, all ecological indices worked for seaweeds were higher in the East. In August, all except Pielou’s evenness is greater for seaweeds in the East. The Pielou’s evenness of seaweeds is 0.70 in West Portelet and 0.68 in East Portelet. In June, all except the 1- Simpson concentration index is higher in the West for gastropods. The 1- Simpson concentration index for gastropods is 0.58009 in the East and 0.50021 in the West. The ecological indicators of gastropods in the West in July were significantly greater than in the East, except for the 1- Simpson concentration index. The 1- Simpson concentration index for gastropods is 0.44654 in East and 0.42209 in West. In August, all except the 1- Simpson concentration index is higher in the East for gastropods. The value is 0.5422 in the East and 0.45738 in the West. The ecological indices worked out indicate seaweed has a greater diversity in the East whereas, gastropods have a greater diversity in the West. The gastropods Cththamalus and top shells including G. Umbilicalis, S. cineraria and P. lineatus are seen in greater numbers along the West of Portelet Bay. Moreover, three invasive species are identified from Portelet Bay. The S. muticum is in abundance along The East of Portelet in August.

Categories Ecology, Island studies
Keywords Conservation, gastropod, manageent, marine, NTZ, seaweed
Author Saranya Maya Syamlal
Date published 2022
Document type Master’s Dissertation
Organisation Jersey International Centre for Advanced Studies
IRR Code IRR/JICAS/2022.43590
Funder Ecology Trust Fund
File Type pdf