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Investigating the carbon sequestration potential of seagrass (Zostera spp.) in St. Catherine’s Bay, Jersey


Countries have more and more policies related to zero carbon emissions because 2050 year is getting closer and closer. Carbon emission reduction and carbon removal are the two main ways for countries to achieve zero emissions. In addition to domestic policies, there are some approaches between different countries emerge to help each other. Joint Implement, Clean Development Mechanism and Emission Trading are the ways (Capoor and Ambrosi, 2007, Springer, 2003). Two countries cooperate to build in one country. Assisting countries provide assistance in skills, technology, and funds. When construction is complete, the assisting country can receive Emission Reduction Units (Wedding et al., 2021) from the assisted country and subtract the same number from the assisted country’s Assigned Amount Unit (AAU) (Cheng et al., 2008).

Categories Ecology, Island studies
Keywords Blue carbon, Conservation, Management, marine, Seagrass, Zostera
Author YiLin Kuo
Date published 2022
Document type Master’s Dissertation
Organisation Jersey International Centre for Advanced Studies
IRR Code IRR/JICAS/2022.43634
File Type pdf