Holistic Geodiversity Assessment of Jersey’s Coastline, Channel Islands
UNESCO Global Geopark designation has succeeded in focusing international recognition
upon geodiversity and its protection. The economic reputational gains richly reward regions
around the globe, supporting local communities through their bottom-up approach. Previous
biodiversity studies have identified the diversity which lies hidden within the landscapes and
seascapes around Jersey, Channel Islands. However, the selective focus of past geodiversity
research has failed to consider the collective roles of abiotic, biotic, and cultural heritage within
the Island’s terrestrial, intertidal, and marine systems. This project presents a novel approach
to geodiversity mapping developed from methodologies used in other territories with high
geodiversity but uniquely applies it to Jersey. The outcome of this geodiversity assessment
presents both, a flexible holistic framework which enables geoheritage to be quantified and,
signposts measured variables against which the effectiveness of policy action can be